Sunday, October 01, 2006

Cindy's Space

Cindy's Space

Well, I'm back in school for a new semester. Working and going to school almost full time is a little hectic. We moved into a new house last year and my husband, Robert, was asking me what I wanted to do with our backyard since it is getting nicer outside. This is something I am really excited about doing, by I honestly don't have the energy right now. It would be great to have a little place to go sit outback and work on my homework, but trying to find the time is just crazy. I told him that we could see if we had any holidays that might work. It may just be something to put off for another year. Not that it is really that big of a deal...just a thought. But life is very busy right now. I got horrible grades on my last two tests and I already am spending a lot of time studying. It was a lot easier last semester. I guess Spanish and Biology aren't good to take at the same time when working full time. :) Anyways, life is still great even though it's a little hectic right now. Here's hoping I can pull some better test grades in the future though!