Monday, November 30, 2009

The Pilgrim's Progress

Since I have been pregnant, I have been trying to read aloud to Aleah so she will enjoy reading later in life. We started out reading Mathew and Mark in the Bible and then I started reading to her The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. While reading, I came across a really beautiful poem about what it means to be a Christian. Here is what it says:

This Hill, though high, I covet to ascend, The Difficulty will not me offend, For I perceive the Way to Life lies here: Come pluck up Heart, let's neither faint nor fear; Better; though difficult, the Right Way to go, Than Wrong, though easy, where the End is Wo.

It is one of my many struggles as a Christian to share the faith with those who don't believe. I think I just always get caught up on how I'm being perceived instead of letting God say what He wants to say. I was in those shoes before and really understand how irritating it is to have Christians try to force their beliefs on others. So it is kind of a catch 22 for me. I don't want to come across as judging, but I feel it is urgent to get the message out. So my words get all jumbled and I can't say what I am trying to say. I think that this is one of the greatest sorrows of my heart...not being able to share the most important news that anyone will ever hear. I believe that God is already working on this though. Time will tell.

With that, I will close by thanking God for changing one of my boys mind about having him and his mom come back to the house on Sunday. I was really wanting to go to church at CCC and was disappointed when they wanted to come to the house. Then when I thought, "man, I really wish I could go to church today." He said, "Cindy, I think we'll just go and hang out at the hotel instead." Then, on my way I was thinking that the worship service would be over because I was 10 minutes late. It ended up being a special service where they had worship mixed into the message. It was great. So thanks once again for even being in the small things, God. I am eternally greatful. Abba, You are my rock and my redeamer! I know that you aren't here to make things easy, but it is nice that you can still make them good for your children.