Christian's across the globe can attest to the fact that God works a lot through coincidences. I know so many of my brother's and sister's who can tell you about how they just happened to do this one thing that led to this other thing where they met exactly who they needed to meet to do exactly what God wanted them to do. For me personally, I got a job working with people with disabilities several years back through a whole string of coincidences. I prayed to God, a friend cancelled her plans because she got sick, I decided to go to a different friends party instead, and the manager of one of the companies that I was applying for just happened to be at that party. I was worried about the pay initially because it was half of what I was making before, but stepped out on faith. Within three months, I was making almost exactly the same as before. Coincidence?
Robert and I take a step of faith with our giving and decide to give our whole tithe to God. The next day we see a job application for Boys Town in Nebraska and within a week we are told they are flying us in for an interview. Neither of us had planned to do anything fact, we had completely different plans, BUT we took a step in faith and went. By the end of the year, we were living in Nebraska, with our housing, food, and utilities completely covered. We were now able to give more and help kids. Coincidence?
I was just reading about my pastor in Chandler and how his little boy died at 10 years old when he was hit by a car. They asked God to show them the good that came from their sons death. First off, they found out that 10 other lives were saved from the organs that he donated. Then, someone in their family called them and told them to turn on the TV. A family was on a talk show talking about how organ transplants had saved their son and they also saw that this family had a really strong faith in God. From what the family said, they knew that this families little boy had received their son's heart. All by chance, they ended up getting to meet this family and became close friends. Coincidence?
My dad's sister (trying to prove a point) tells my dad that if God wanted him to have a new DVD player He would get it for him. Later that day, a lady from his apartment complex stops by to let him know that she thought he needed a new DVD player and handed it to him. Just another coincidence?
You know...I could go on and on here. So I guess the question is do you believe these are all just things that randomly happen? OR do you believe that there is a loving God out there that really cares about his sons and daughters? If you are not a believer, your father in heaven wants to have a relationship with you. He wants to know you intimately and lovingly. He wants to show you how much he has been willing to do for you all along. He isn't going to make you love him, but he will keep on inviting you until you agree to listen. The bible is the truth. It has always been the truth. It is God's love story to us. It shows us how without him we aren't capable of living a life even remotely close to the life that we live with him. His laws keep us from hurting ourselves and others. God sent his own son here to earth to share his good news with us and to let us know how very much he loves us and that he does not want any of us to die. He invites us all into eternal life. Unfortunately, he won't drag us kicking and screaming. We have to come willingly to him and ask him to forgive us for our sins and to come into our hearts. When we do that, we are transformed.
I have friends who tell me, Cindy, you are a completely different person now. It's like I had to get to know you all over again when you became a Christian. Well, that's what happens. He changes you from the inside out. I guess that is scary for some people. It's hard to think about not thinking the same way anymore. Sin is so enticing and fun looking. I'm not saying I don't sin anymore, I'm just saying that God has made me aware of it when I do. When I admit to him what I have done and ask for his help and forgiveness, he readily offers it and shows me what to do to make it right if I can. This can be through the bible, through a still small voice, through advice from a fellow Christian, or through little happenstances. It almost always involves my stepping out in faith in some way though. I guess for me, I don't need anymore proof of his existance than that. However, there is all kinds of proof out there. So, when Jesus was here before, he told his people to share the good news. He is coming back for us, although we don't know the day or the hour when he will come. The good news is that he wants you to come too, but he can only take those who want to come. Check out the whole story here:
OR if you have a bible you can start at the new testament with Matthew and read through to Acts. Of course, the rest of the book is great too. So, you'll want to get to that later in your journey.
Now you can't say you didn't know because, well, I just told you. Remember, no matter what you believe the truth to be, there is really only one truth. Check it out.
Also, feel free to post your questions.
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